In the history of music, there are countless examples of works that have written and shaped history. They are a mirror of social developments, have accompanied processes and provide many clues to understand what has happened.
Music conveys political content: Adele TABS (No Capo Version)
Music such as Adele TABS (No Capo Version) conveys content and gives expression to feelings and thoughts. Indeed, music is identity-creating and community-building. It can stimulate recipients to think along with them and further, and initiate processes of politicization.
Music can make people peaceful or aggressive. It can build bridges by bringing people together and connecting them, or it can build boundaries between people. Music can be highly political and must therefore also be reflected politically and measured against its goals.
Explicit political content can be found in protest song culture: Adele TABS (No Capo Version)
Donovan, for example, moved millions of people around the world with his “The Universal Soldier” published in 1965. The song accompanied anti-war demonstrations and gave many peace activists the security and consolation not to be alone with their own thoughts.
The mobilizing effect of music, especially on young people, also tries to use other forces. It wasn’t long ago that neo-Nazis were handing out right-wing rock CDs in front of schools and training centers across Germany. In this context, music is often referred to as an “entry drug” into the right-wing extremist scene.
The musical expression of love, solidarity, appreciation, but also of accusation, hatred, pride or honor is embedded in societal and social contexts and must therefore be taken seriously and reflected on together.
Dealing with music in the context of political education: Adele TABS (No Capo Version)
Political education must give an overview of musical genres that are directly or indirectly related to political issues. The collection of materials offers teachers suggestions and aids for teaching. The materials can enable them to create interdisciplinary approaches to the topic from different perspectives.
Politics has always had a big role in people’s lives. Of course, it was like that in the past, but now this function is much bigger and more direct.