Recent research involving 1,350 professionals in government, business, and other organizations in 120 countries found that political leaders play a crucial role in developing and implementing action to combat global environmental degradation.

Environment social and
governance in sustainable and ethical business. Hands holding crystal globe with ESG icons. Using technology of renewable resource to reduce pollution

World Economic Forum

Action has lagged behind words at highly-publicized climate change conferences, and thus far, the performance of major actors, especially national governments, has been inadequate.
It was noticed by respondents to a GlobeScan poll commissioned by the World Economic Forum, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and also the International Training Centre that there has currently minimal consensus on responses to changing climate.

Environmental Disaster

Despite the many warnings about the environmental disaster that is unfolding all over the world, catastrophic destruction of the natural world is an everyday reality in many regions of the globe. However, with the right legal and policy instruments in place and well, most significantly, political text highlighting the importance of the situation followed by action.

International Influence

When asked what leaders should prioritize to have an international influence on the environment, respondents overwhelmingly pointed to four factors. Adoption by all major carbon-emitting nations. A promise by developed nations to help poor ones achieve their goals by means of financial aid and the sharing of cutting-edge technologies. Commitments from each signatory nation are backed by law.