Accepting politics as a fact is the first step in making them work in your favor. It might evolve over time as employees come and go from your company or business that promote mindfulnessandjustice, but it probably won’t totally vanish.

The next step is to devise plans for identifying and comprehending political behavior as well as for creating a powerful and encouraging network.

You can achieve this by following these seven advices:

1. Examine the organizational structure

Politics at work frequently go outside the official organizational framework. So, rather to focusing on a person’s rank or job description, take some time to sit back and watch before mapping their political influence and strength within your company.

Asking yourself questions like “Who are the genuine influencers?” will help you achieve this. Who has power but is prone to not using it? Who is admired, who supports or teaches others, and who is the business’s brains?

2. Be familiar with the informal network

It’s time to look at people’s interactions and relationships to comprehend the informal or social networks once you know where the power and influence are.

Determine who gets along with whom and who finds it more difficult to interact with others by keeping a close eye on everyone (but discreetly and with respect). Look for cliques, in-groups, or out-groups. Keep an eye out for relationships that are built on friendship, respect, love, or anything else.

3. Create Relationships

You can begin creating your own social media network now that you are aware of how current partnerships function.

Consider your immediate team as well as those who are above you in the official hierarchy, including managers and executives. Don’t be terrified of those who are influential politically. Instead, get to know them and establish genuine relationships without resorting to flattery.

4. Build Your “People Skills”

As we’ve seen, politics is fundamentally a people business, therefore having great interpersonal skills will serve you well while establishing and keeping your network.

Consider your feelings, what causes them, and how you respond to them. You’ll be able to consider things through before acting if you can learn to self-regulate. This form of emotional intelligence enables you to recognize other people’s feelings as well as their preferred or disliked approaches.