Today we will be discussing some of the most innovative and necessary gadgets that are available to save the environment.

The first gadget is a trash can. This is a trash can that has a sensor on it. When you put your hand in front of it, it opens up and you can throw your garbage in it without having to touch anything. This way, there is no need for any contact with the trash and therefore less chance for bacteria to spread from one person to another.

Next, we have this water bottle that has a sensor on it too. It detects when someone drinks from it and then automatically shuts off so that people don’t waste water by drinking out of an open bottle!

Finally we have this smart light bulb which has sensors built into them as well. These sensors detect when someone enters a room and then turns on automatically so that they don’t have to worry about turning off the lights themselves!

The Environmental Crisis is Real and Here’s Why

There is an environmental crisis happening all around us. We are seeing the effects of climate change with rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather. We are also seeing the effects of pollution with toxic air and water. The crisis is real and here’s why:

Pollution is a big problem because it harms our environment by releasing dangerous chemicals into the air. For example, when we burn fossil fuels or use them to power our homes, we release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that worsens climate change. Pollution can be reduced by using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power instead of fossil fuels to power homes or cars.

Another way that humans harm our environment is by cutting down trees for lumber, paper products, or other reasons. If we don’t stop cutting down trees at this rate then there will be no more trees left in 100 years! Trees provide a natural barrier against pollution and climate change so

What Designers Think You Should Be Putting on Your Wishlist This Holiday Season For A Greener Future!

Designers are not just a small part of the solution. They have the power to create the best womens apple watch bands and a greener future.

The following is a list of design-related gifts that can help you make your home more sustainable and eco-friendly:

-A compost bin for kitchen scraps, so you can reduce your landfill waste by 40%!

-An air purifier, so that you and your family can breathe cleaner air!

-A solar panel for your roof, so you can reduce your electricity bill by 20%!