The latest UN study on climate change’s probable implications is pessimistic, with some aspects now judged unavoidable. However, regardless of human-caused climate change, there are lessons to be learned from disasters and violent conflicts that could help save lives and create safer societies.
The Main Cause of Climate Change and Natural Disasters
Where climate dangers interact with high vulnerability, climate change contributes to humanitarian disasters. Meaning to say, before a crisis can occur, vulnerability must exist. Climate change should not be to blame for the calamity.
Poverty, governance issues, and limited access to essential services and resources, as well as violent conflict and increased levels of climate-sensitive likelihoods, make people more vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Reasons Behind Violent Conflicts and Climate Change
Same with that disasters, no one can link violent conflict and climate change. There are different identified ways to address the “underlying vulnerabilities” that increase the likelihood of violent conflict with high confidence.
Climate change adaptation is only one part of that change. Scientific studies show that development, not just climate change adaptation, is the most effective strategy overall. Despite widespread conceptions that climate change triggered or was associated with violent wars in the past, the summary suggests that no particular conflict should be blamed on natural or manmade climate change.