The planet is slowly shrinking in size. As wilderness and other ecosystem shrink because of widespread development we are slowly losing our green environment. Because of this backyard acreage increases, the ecological impact of home gardeners grows ever greater. Especially during this pandemic, gardening has been popular to many who were lock down in their homes. In the United States alone the U.S. Census Bureau calculates that the nation’s inner suburbs have almost tripled in the past three decades and 400 square miles are added yearly.
According to conventional gardening wisdom, importing plants from around the world increases an area’s biological diversity. Yet biodiversity isn’t a simple matter of numbers of species. Scores of newly introduced plants have entered the garden gates and choked out indigenous vegetation. Conversely, pampered exotics failed to flourish beyond the backyard because they cannot forge the kind of ecological relationships that enable them to prosper and evolve in their native habitats.
Home gardens have potential as an ecological sanctuary that is just beginning to be explored. In ever increasing numbers, gardeners are viewing their properties as potential habitats, not simply collections of pretty plants. They’re restoring native plant communities and they are learning how to put back the pieces so that nature can heal itself and get on with evolution.
Some gardeners are recreating the dense layers of North America’s deciduous forest. Under towering canopy trees spared by the bulldozer, they are replacing lawn with understory species such as flowering dogwood, with exquisite wild azaleas and other native shrubs, with woodland wildflowers and ferns.
Typically, these zones of natural landscapes are planted toward the edges of a property, some gardeners try very much to preserve native and well behaved exotic plants. They try to make these plants mingle with other plants. Without exception as gardeners restore native plant communities, they discover to their delight that these wildlife finds their way back and make themselves at home in their new environment.
Imagine the possibilities a new suburban landscape in which natural gardens link up to provide living space for beleaguered wildlife. Imagine a new definition of rare and unusual plants based on native species that require human help to thrive or even survive. Virtually everywhere there are species that have been lost so much ground that they can no longer repopulate former habitat. Propagating them can be a gardener’s great gift to the planet. Looking for the perfect gift to give your love one. Check out the S1 Massage Gun. Read more on: Solbasium