The term “technology” refers to the actual application of scientific knowledge and the resulting apparatus and gadgets. We are currently experiencing a moment of rapid transition, during which gaming such as minecraft and technological breakthroughs are changing the way we live while also accelerating our descent into apocalyptic conditions like food shortages and weather change.
The technological world has given rise to powerful new technology. This was the transition to new industrial techniques that occurred in Europe and the United States between roughly 1760 and 1840. This has been accomplished by ongoing industrialization and technical advancements in developed nations around the globe, and as a result, our planet’s natural resources have been abused and damaged.
The two main ways that these advancements have altered the globe are through pollution and the depletion of natural resources.
1. Pollution of the air and water
When dangerously high concentrations of gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, and methane are released into the atmosphere, air pollution results. The main sources are all related to innovations that came forth after the industrial revolution, including the use of fossil fuels, buildings, power plants, mass agriculture, and wheels.
On the other side, water pollution is the contaminating of water sources such lakes, streams, seas, and groundwater, usually as a result of human activity. Household garbage, industrial effluents, and pesticides are a few of the most frequent water contaminants. A specific example of how aquatic ecosystems might deteriorate is the production of partially managed wastewater into waterways.
2. A decrease in natural resource usage
Another detrimental effect of technology on the environment is resource depletion. It has to do with using up a resource more quickly than it can be replaced. Natural resources can be either renewable or non-renewable and are those that already exist without having been created by humans. The most challenging types of resource depletion are aquifer use, deforestation, drilling for fossil fuels and metals, resource pollution, soil erosion, and excessive consumption of resources.