Your ecological footprint has long since been determined not only by your eating habits, the daily choice of transport or individual water-saving behaviour. Your fun with cat videos, the daily exchange via Whatsapp or Netflix binge-watching also plays an increasing role here. The computing power, cooling and power supply of thousands of servers cost huge amounts of energy every day.

seo toronto

Tips for an energy-efficient web

Images with added value

One thing is clear. The more images a website uses and the larger these image files are, the more data has to be transferred and the more energy is consumed. Before technical optimizations are applied here to compensate for this, one could perhaps think more carefully about the use of images and ask oneself the following:

  • Does the image really add value to the user?
  • Do the images convey useful information?
  • Can you achieve the same effect if the picture was smaller?
  • Can you flatten pictures that are not noticeable to the user, e.g. in sliders?
  • Could you achieve the same result with a vector graphic instead of a photo?

So if you ask yourself these questions, you will be able to reduce the number of visuals without sacrificing usability. This will directly help reduce online energy consumption.

Save energy with good seo toronto

Yes, good SEO definitely has an energy-efficient effect, and that just so happens to be incidental.

When optimizing a website for search engine rankings, you help people to find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. So, successful seo toronto results in people spending less time searching the web for information and visiting sites that don’t meet their needs. Overall, users consume less energy.

Optimal User Experience (UX)

User experience comes with the expectation that experiences will work flawlessly. That the user will be able to find the things they want to find and that they will also enjoy using them.

So, good UX design makes using the web more enjoyable and easier for everyone. Most importantly, it reduces the amount of energy wasted checking pages. These are pages that don’t serve the right purpose or pressing buttons that trigger the wrong action becomes.

So the user, your conversation and the environment are happy at the same time.