Technology has brought about numerous benefits to humanity, but it also poses significant environmental and human risks that cannot be ignored. The advancements in technology have led to significant impacts on the natural environment, which have caused damage to the […]
Politics can save the Environment
Recent research involving 1,350 professionals in government, business, and other organizations in 120 countries found that political leaders play a crucial role in developing and implementing action to combat global environmental degradation. World Economic Forum Action has lagged behind words […]
Thinking of Sustainability in the Nightclub Industry
A return to normality, “finally back to the way it used to be” – that’s what many are longing for with the end of the pandemic. However, the fact that the “higher, faster, further” of club culture in recent […]
How Politicians can take a Stand and Protect the Environment?
The environment is in crisis, with drastic changes in weather patterns, the depletion of natural resources, and the endangerment of wildlife. The effects of climate change are becoming more and more apparent, and it is now more important than ever […]
Climate Change Legislation Prevails Despite Lack of Republican Support
Thirty years ago, bipartisan legislation was not impossible especially if the proposed law concerns support for public health and the environment. In 1990, the Clean Air Act gained overwhelming support from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers. It was a time […]
Brazil’s Election is a Triumph in the Climate Change Battle
According to experts, with the result of Brazil’s Presidential Election, Brazil is now in victory because the country has the chance to stop the widespread destruction of the Amazon rainforest and to jump-start a green economy. The narrow loss […]
Leaders Promise to Slow Forest Loss
A year ago, politicians from over 140 countries faced at the United Nations-backed climate deal identified as COP26, pledging to stop environmental destruction by 2030. According to a new assessment, reductions are nowhere near what is required to bring deforestation […]
How Politicians and the Environment are Linked?
Politicians are important because they make decisions about our society and environment. There are elections happening all the time, but it can be hard to keep track of where all the candidates stand on issues like climate change and renewable […]
How the UN Helps the Environment
The United Nations (UN) is focusing its efforts on its most challenging global environmental issues facing the world today, through the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and a variety of other agencies and conventions. Multilateralism Promotion Multilateralism is central […]
Do Fort Worth Texas Roofers Support Calls for Climate Change Actions?
Texas politics have been influencing views about climate change, residents still ignore repairs and maintenance measures to enhance the protection of homes. Yet in Dallas Fort Worth Texas, homeowners whether Republicans or Democrats, have experienced the reality of climate change, […]
Global Warming Issues are Difficult
As the global issue worsens and grows more visible, Americans remain opposed to bold and complete environmental protection. Life After Warming In “The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming,” David Wallace-Wells portrays a terrifying image of the impending ecological Armageddon. Entire […]
5 Tips for a Greener Gaming Habit
We now pay attention to sustainability in almost all areas of life. But not in gaming. And this is despite the fact that computer or video games consume a lot of energy – whether played on the PC, PlayStation, […]
US Historical Landmarks Jeopardized by Climate Change
Every year, millions of people visit America’s historic monuments, both natural and man-made structures, to see and pay tribute to our rich and difficult history. However, the beginning of hurricane as well as wildfire seasons, while many of us have […]
The Way Politics Become Responsible for Disasters
The latest UN study on climate change’s probable implications is pessimistic, with some aspects now judged unavoidable. However, regardless of human-caused climate change, there are lessons to be learned from disasters and violent conflicts that could help save lives and […]
Global Warming and Climate Change – Why Some Scientists Oppose These Theories
Many individuals including scientists still doubt climate change is a result of human activities, while many others do not believe climate change issues at all. While there are different opinions and views about the topic, the horrendous and bizarre weather […]
The Reason Behind the American Politics being So Stuck
Okay, let’s keep it straight to the point. Most American policies are overstuffed with trade-offs. When we say trade-offs, people actually expected to see a result and also anticipated to notice some of the side effects that might be regrettable […]
Colorado’s Colorful Recycling is Actually Dingy
The recycling rate of Colorado doesn’t move on 15.3%. This is actually lesser in half of the 32% national average. In fact, the state of Colorado falls at the 20th most wasteful place. Last year, people in Colorado buried their […]
Environmental policy and management
Environmental policy must respond to the negative effects of the megatrends of recent decades on the environment and natural resources. Aspects of a “transformative” environmental policy must also be implemented in corporate environmental management to contribute to sustainable production and […]
Saving the World – Words from the Gen Z
The world is heating up today as the ambition and the courage from the new generations are increasing. However, Gen Zs are more of young activists who lead today’s world by confronting it. That’s why together with the environmental heat, […]
CDP’s Laschet Loses to SDP’s Schloss as German Voters Want Healthcare and Environment Reforms
=German voters who flocked to the September 2021 federal parliamentary elections indicated they’re now convinced climate change is now a reality in the country. Preliminary voting results denied Armin Laschet a chance to succeed Angela Merkel as Germany’s new Chancellor. […]
How Climate Change Affects the Postal and Shipping Industry
This morning I used to be paying attention to a program on global geoengineering, which sounds very grand, and to be honest quite frightening – the thought of manipulating the weather systems on a world scale – with unknown […]
How Climate Change Can Influence Substance Abuse
It is not even springtime and also the country has been experiencing record high temperatures. The warmth may feel welcome during the winter doldrums, but it also comes with value. Most of the warming trend is human-induced as hostile […]
Making People Know More About Climate Change Through GTA V
Has Grand Theft Auto V game also come to reflect our planet’s environmental degradation even though, since its release in 2013, it has been a hyper-violent, parodic, and distorted version of our own society? To dramatize the consequences of […]

We Need To Do More Than Using Paper Straws And Eco Bags To Protect The Environment
The United States of America is among the countries who are witnessing the brunt of global warming as climate itself begins to act up terribly, much to the inconvenience of many innocent people. One great and most recent example of […]
Most Asked Political Questions about the Environment
Honestly speaking, politics is some kind of challenging and crucial kind of thing. People usually recognize its power and authority. However, the COVID-19 pandemic take its toll in hindering the upcoming election. With the present problem of the whole nation […]
What Will Make Urban Transport Sustainable?
Most Members of the European Parliament want to see cities as greener and cleaner as possible. Not for its own sake, but to ensure a good quality of life for European citizens living in cities. This is clear from the […]
U.S. and European Cities are Designating Roads for Exclusive Use of Bikers
It took a pandemic for city governments to give full support to the use of bicycles in city roads, where bikers before were regarded as a road nuisance. Today in several U.S. and European cities, local governments have taken steps […]
Environmentally Friendly Game Boy That You Can Play Without Batteries
The ceaseless struggle with all the first Game Boy was using a cache of all batteries available. Handheld consoles have evolved since that time, however, the battery difficulty nevertheless exists. But, researchers from Northwestern University and the Delft University […]
Creating a Greener Local Government Workplace
Implementing a greener workplace in the local government only needs simple steps. Based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and DDevelopment you must have to comply with the proper categorizing of the steps into five various areas. Here are the five areas […]
Well-known Offices that Go Green
More and more offices around the world today are “going green”. This is another term that describes an eco-friendly workplace. Here, the working ambience offers good quality for the employees. These offices enhance the use of natural daylights, a good […]